SUBMISSIONS OPEN: Beginning Memoir (7 Week Workshop)

Submissions are open!
Everyone has a story to tell. But how do you do it and where do you start? Submissions for “Beginning Memoir” are officially open and will close on March 1st, 2022.
The seven week online memoir workshop will consist of 12 participants over the span of seven weeks on Google Classrooms. Juried participants will be selected based on a blindly submitted writing sample, no longer than 5 double-spaced pages, that will be evaluated by the editors of DRC and the instructor of the course.
Submission Guidelines
- Submission dates: February 22nd - March 1.
- Memoir or Personal Essay only.
- Please submit work in English only.
- Five double-spaced pages maximum
- Previously published work is okay, but if you are accepted to the workshop we ask that you choose to work with a polished, unpublished piece.
- $20 reading fee per entry allows up to two essays or samples that still must be five pages or fewer. (Please note: If you are selected to participate in the workshop, this will be applied towards the cost of the workshop.)
- All submissions must be made via Submittable.
- International submissions are allowed.
- Please double-space your submission and use Times New Roman 12 pt. font.
- Do not include any identifying information on your document.
- Dead Reckoning Collective Online Workshop submissions are open to all writers. However, it is DRC’s practice to only publish the work of Veteran writers as part of our mission is to close the civ/mil divide.
The editors of Dead Reckoning Collective will select 12 writers to move forward to the DRC Online Writer’s Workshop in the Spring. These submissions will be blind-reviewed by our acquisitions team. Meaning, we will not know who submitted the writing until after the selections have been made. This takes out all bias and allows the writing to speak for itself.
Submissions will be read once the deadline has passed and notifications will go out to selected participants on March 28.
The Online Writing Workshop will cost $380, with financial assistance if needed and scholarship/sponsorship opportunities.
This online workshop will allow you to work closely with a creative writing instructor and other writers as we dive into the Craft of Memoir Writing - Truth, theme, narrative POV, structure, memory, character development, and research - while challenging each other in readings, discussion, critical workshops, and generative sessions. We will also discuss the process behind editing and publication.
More information on the workshop will be given to those selected.