Veterans Journaling Workshop at NVMM (Ohio)

Join us on Saturday, December 10th at the National Veterans Memorial and Museum (NVMM) in Columbus, Ohio for an all day journaling workshop.

There are no rules to journaling, which sometimes works in reverse. That blank page can sometimes terrify us instead of inspiring us to get started. But for Veterans and those close to them, journaling can be especially beneficial to both our mental and our emotional health. When we regularly examine our experiences - be it joy, anger, grief, anxiety, stress, or trauma - we can identify new, expressive ways to process our stories as we have experienced them.

In this one-day, hands-on workshop, we will practice different ways to journal, where you might consider starting, and methods to incorporate other creative endeavors in your own journaling practice.

Lunch, parking, and two tickets to the museum will be provided. 

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