Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
This is probably one of the only common texts written between 161-180 AD, which most can still relate to without struggle. It’s something you can pick up and put down, read straight through or open to a random section for mid-day inspiration. You can buy a subscription to the Daily Stoic or you can just buy a paperback copy of this book. Either one will leave you feeling thoughtful and motivated to tackle your agenda better than the day before. -KD
Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl
Frankl’s transcendent perception derives from his duration as a prisoner in Auschwitz. Prior to Germany’s Jewish Roundup, Frankl was a neurologist and psychiatrist cataloging his research to support his Logotheory, the belief that finding meaning in life is the most powerful force for humans. He claims to have survived due to his will for meaning, which was to preserve his theory and share his observations. Those who lacked meaning in their life were more likely to die in the camps than those who found some meaning, despite experiencing similar atrocities. -TC
Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
People are born naturally athletic, extraordinary intelligent, stunningly charismatic, or exhaustively hardworking but, Gladwell argues, those are only a minor part of the story to success. When/where you were born, relationships you made, and your family upbringing play a more prominent, behind the curtain, role than we like to imagine. Gladwell thoroughly and convincingly articulates success stories outlining the rise of some of the most reputable outliers. -TC
Tribe - Sebastian Junger
Tribe has become the go-to book to articulate the struggle veterans have with assimilating back to society. Junger is known for his wartime journalism and commitment to the experience while being embedded in some of the most austere combat zones. Isolated from the outside world in a state of constant vigilance the men that surround you in that environment become your tribe. Your individual efforts contribute to something greater and your trust is explored to complete vulnerability. The modern era (specifically American culture), promotes individualism; but at what cost are we willing to pay for total independence? Depression, dissociation, and disorder seem to be a price veterans pay upon return. -TC
Mere Christianity - CS Lewis
Most know C.S. Lewis for his fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia, however within the Christian community he pioneered Christian apologetics. Lewis’ roots were academic as he graduated and taught at Oxford and later became a professor at Cambridge, yet his Christian writings are more for the layman. His expertise in the English language shape this book to the original context of what Christianity meant and believed. He logically defends his faith through intellectual reason by striping away nuances doubters tend to hold on to. If you want to deepen your faith, be introduced to Jesus (not religion), or try to come up with rebuttals against one of the greats than this book is a must. -TC
12 Rules of Life - Jordan Peterson
The compelling youtube sensation Dr. Jordan B. Peterson structures his philosophy of individual freedom into 12 rules. The ethical premise is based on decades of clinical experience, scientific research, mythological and theological review, literature comparison, and hierarchical social conduct. Known for his direct demeanor Dr. Peterson doesn’t shy away from his authoritative yet compassionate approach. His analysis is as empirical as one can be with over 200 references cited. You will be at the cusp of sorting yourself out after digging into this verbose compendium. -TC
The most referenced, preserved, influential piece of literature ever written. Christianity claims it is the Word of God. Your interaction with it can be as personal as reading a verse or chapter at a time for quick reflection. Albeit, there is enough content to cipher through that it can be embraced as a lifelong pursuit. Studying the Old and New Testament will impart cultured wisdom that’ll contribute to understanding the human condition, despite religious affiliation or spiritual foundation. His Word has helped millions of people find redemption; however, man’s interpretation has contributed to historical catastrophes. Read with caution and passion. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 (KJV) -TC